nitro plugin · 4kCoNXeGo
* @name ! Nitro
* @author Gabriel
* @authorId 861640933133123596
* @description Allows the use of Nitro features.
* @version 1.0

module.exports = class Nitro {
  	start() {
		const MA = BdApi.findModuleByProps('sendMessage')
		BdApi.findModuleByProps('getCurrentUser').getCurrentUser().premiumType = 2
		BdApi.Patcher.before('Nitro', MA, 'sendMessage', (_, [, m]) => {
			let guildId = location.href.replace(/^https.*channels\//, '').split('/')[0]
			for(let e of m.validNonShortcutEmojis) {
				if(e.index) return
				if(e.animated) return (m.content = m.content.replace(`<a:${}:${}>`, e.url))
				if(e.guildId == guildId) return  
				m.content = m.content.replace(`<:${}:${}>`, e.url.replace('webp', 'png'))
	stop() {
		BdApi.findModuleByProps('getCurrentUser').getCurrentUser().premiumType = 0
  • 8

    4/14/2022, 5:17:22 AM